
Yet, Here We Are

Peace, I pray, and Grace I expect for you this day! I also believe that you are expecting the very same thing…

I will admit that I am very excited to be with y’all this weekend, especially in our sacred time of ministry to each other. You know I do not normally speak in this manner, but unless the Lord redirects me, what I will be ministering on this weekend is something that has been stirring my heart for many months. When you come, please be expectant and anticipating divine encounters and heavenly revelation. I promise that Holy Spirit will not disappoint a single one of you.

I do not know if you are picking up on the same “vibes” that some of the rest of us are, but as we have been incorporating into our culture, “The Hero Within,” language… I have been noticing more and more courageous attitudes being embraced and developed. It makes my leader heart swell because it displays the humility and authenticity of who you really are. That is something that literally fulfills dreams that I have had about ministry, that were never realized until the last couple years. Thank you for that…

We are walking boldly into a time, an era, of unknown dynamic. If you haven’t noticed, the level of fear in our nation and our world is like the waters of Noah’s flood, filling and saturating all life and every inch of the planet. These evil and wickedly inspired folks with their narrative of lies, deception, and control have effectively captured most of humanity in their storm of fake news (false flags), manipulated (fraudulent) authoritative positions, deadly attacks on the health of humanity, insidious and coordinated campaigns of destruction through the realms of entertainment, media, education, religion, family, economics, and government.

Yet, here we are, the remnant church, the genuine Jesus lovers, the empowered army of the most high God… kicking devil tail, exposing shadows of lies, healing sick folks, preaching the eternal truths, setting the captives free, and thriving in the midst of a satanically inspired World War that started around 2016. I understand that this war is being fought with “data bits” of information instead of “bullets” like past wars, but the death, turmoil, and earthly misery is no less excruciating. The intensification of this war from 2020 until now has made even some of the strong and steady people of years past fail and fall under the crushing weight of hell’s concerted pressure.

But not us, Beloved!

We have grown in numbers… we have grown in faith… we have grown in health… we have grown in boldness… we have grown in revelation… Like a tree of righteousness, planted by the river of life, we stay intimately connected to the source of life, peace, and health, and our branches continually spread in length, strength, and availability to all who are seeking shelter and respite from the turmoil of today. The flood waters have come and are quickly reducing the places where folks can find safe and secure footings… But, our powerful, loving, and wise Savior has prepared an Ark for us (and all who will come) to find comfort, provision, and family within. We get to rise above the cesspool of these tumultuous times in a cruise ship of God’s amazing Grace with our bow firmly headed towards the Sun (Son) rise of the Great Awakening. What a glorious time to be living in faith and by the faith of the Son of God who loves us and gave Himself for us.

Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

I was just meditating on this similar type of dynamic through the experience of the disciples as they lived out their destiny closely with Jesus. This historical account that follows has similar applications for our circumstances today. There was an unending flow of people who were sick, spiritually oppressed (demonic activity), and desperate for truth and freedom. There was so many and they were so consistent that on multiple occasions Jesus was trying to get his staff away for a rest, but the people kept pursuing them. This is how me and the leadership team have been here over the last year and a half. There is almost no such thing as, “days off,” it usually comes down to trying to sneak away for a couple hours in between Kingdom things. I say this because, as bad as the situation was for the masses, it was also exciting and almost exhilarating for the ones called and ordained for such a time as that.

Mark 6:47-52 (ESV)
And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out, for they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.

Notice, the storm came upon the people doing EXACTLY what they were told to do, exactly where they were supposed to be, and in obedience to the Master… but, they were not doing their obedience by faith. This is such an important principle that I cannot expound upon and do it proper justice here. Here is the simple conclusion that you can meditate on: We can be where we are supposed to be, doing what we are supposed to be doing, and doing it with the ones we are supposed to be doing it… with a humble submitted heart of obedience… and yet, still struggle and potentially “sink” because we are not doing it by courageous and authoritative faith.

Look at this.

The Passion Translation of 49 and 50
When they all saw him walking on the waves, they thought he was a ghost and screamed out in terror. But he said to them at once, “Don’t yield to fear. Have courage. It’s really me—I Am!”

Note that they were in obedience and fear at the same time. That is a recipe for failure and rebuke. The antidote for fear and/or terror is courageous faith. Also, please see, with the eyes of your heart, that Jesus basically commanded, or demanded, that they not, “yield,” to the fear. That means it is a choice. The circumstances presented a natural and excusable reason for anyone to be in fear… except the remnant inner circle of disciples who were learning from, living with, and becoming transformed by the “Master of storms.”

These men were rebuked because they did not rise above and rule over the storm. The current storm of our day is about to come face-to-face with people like you, Beloved… people of authentic Kingdom culture, raw courageous faith and authoritative hatred for the enemy and his fear tactics. Can you see yourself standing on the top of a wave, face like a flint, facing the storm, and bringing the wind into submission to your bold character? I can…

You are a Hero waiting to defeat a villain… get em’!

I love you deeply!


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