
You Are Greatly Loved

Hello Beloved Family!

Kay and I were greatly honored and blessed by the opportunity to fellowship and speak into your lives on Q&A Sunday. It is truly one of our favorite times together with the fam…

This morning, I have been mediating on our identity in Christ. It was quite the whirlwind weekend of ministry for me because I Zoom-preached in the Philippines on Saturday night, had Sunday Morning service with you precious folks, gave a message to the AMAZING children’s ministry team on Sunday afternoon, and then ministered in Pakistan digitally until well after 10PM Sunday night. Needless to say, I was bursting with the Father’s opinion for people all over the world. This common thread was delicately woven throughout all of those opportunities, “We are greatly loved by our Father.”

I know that sounds almost too simple, but I am regularly shocked at the masses of “Christians” who truly do not get it… even a little bit…

  • YOU are GREATLY loved
    • This is truly one of the most powerful revelations any person could literally EVER have! The Omnipotent and All-Powerful Creator of all things has designated YOU as the prime and primary object of His affection and value. This indescribable love is without limit, has no attachments to your performance (good or bad), and burns with the passion of all of heaven every millisecond. Every thought towards you from your Divine Creator is Good and not of evil to bring you into a glorious hope and future (Jer 29:11). Please allow this truth to saturate every fiber of your being and existence!
  • You have this Creator as Father
    • Our broken world is overflowing with family dysfunction, division, unforgiveness, and just plain vitriol towards one another. The lines are being thickly drawn by race, ethnicity, sex, class, economics, and any other dark venue that the enemy can manipulate our world into accepting. NOT SO with you! You have a Divine Father… Who will NEVER leave or forsake you… Who birthed you in His glorious image… Who placed His Divine plans and purposes in your innermost being… Who has called you His very own prized possession… AND desires to commune and fellowship every moment of the day no matter our condition or circumstances. Wow! Let that truth flow over you like warm anointing oil that saturates every cell and thought.

I say over and over that “Sunday was the best yet!” AND I keep saying it over and over because it is true. The time we had together last week only pales in comparison to what we have available to us for this week. I literally cannot wait to see you again!

In Great Love and Grace,



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