
Your Birth Rights

My dear Beloved Family, how I long to see the great and precious promises of our Lord’s Finished Work overtake every aspect of your life!

There is a deep desire in me and in the Beloved leaders to fervently disciple every heart into a position were they can effectively and “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3). In almost every decision and purpose we endeavor, this desire has a silver thread of action. There is LITERALLY no part of your life and future that cannot be radically impacted by allowing the truths of Jesus’ victory and the Kingdom to saturate our thoughts and actions. I had an encounter last night that shook me again about the importance of pressing into the eternal reality of our Good Father’s desire for us.

I was conversing with a local business owner (a self-professed believer) about the importance and unrealized opportunities that we have, through Christ, to powerfully affect our world and nation. He agreed, in concept… When he found out that I was “that pastor” who was fighting for the rights of the Church, his eyes lit up and he became enthralled with the conversation. As I started to explain the passion that led me to defend our rights, I could see that he was “normal” in the philosophy of just plugging along and hoping that things would just “magically” change or get better some day. BELOVED! This should not be normal among believers!

I was doubly disheartened to learn that this very successful and well-known business figure also was a university department head for many years. When he pressed me about our lawsuit, I was shocked to find out that he did not know that the First Clause of the First Amendment protected religious liberties. He actually said, “that’s in the Bill of Rights?” A University professor AND department head AND business owner did not know what was in the First Amendment… Obviously, I spent the rest of our time together “teaching” him about our liberties as American Citizens and then what our Freedoms were in Christ. He was very blessed and happily took some materials to educate himself in both arenas.

The reason I expound this exchange to you, the Beloved Family, is because I heard in my heart from the Father, “How many of My children do not know their rights and privileges as my people…?”

So I say to you, how versed and trained are you in the victory and benefits that are freely given to you through the Finished Work of the Cross?

2 Peter 1:3-4

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that [pertain] unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

I pray that today, tomorrow, and the rest of this week you open your heart to the training of the Holy Spirit and His powerful Word. We also have many opportunities to connect and grow into these impactful revelations that are freely available… we are just one phone call away!

I love you greatly!



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